Geology and Soils in Timor-Leste is a short desk-study
report by Steve Thompson on the connection between the geology of the
half-island country and the currently known distribution of soil types.
The report shows how basic information on Timorese soil was collected and published around 1961 in the Carta Dos Solos de Timor (Soil Map of Timor).
These maps were digitized in 2004 and the information was
re-interpreted and upgraded according to the 1990 soil classification of
the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
According to Thompson a simplified soil classification, with
reference to local soils based on the relative proportions of silt, sand
and clay, and providing information on soil conditions and soil
fertility across the country would be a valuable input for
location-specific agricultural development.
The full report can be read here.
SOURCE: Seeds of Life
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