*Asanami calls on F-FDTL to control illegal fishing in Timor Sea, Timor Post
Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Mariano Asanami Sabino has called on the Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) to control illegal fishing in Timor Sea.
The defense force should control our natural resources in the sea, so that other countries‚ people cannot steal them, the minister told journalist at Dili's Convention Center last Thursday.
Asanami affirmed that, each year people stole about 200 million in the Timor Sea in which its costal area is 73 kilometers.
He added that the Government was planning to rehabilitate Com Sea port in Lautem district to better develop fishery sector in the area.
*Polices have no proper facilities to control illegal fishing, Independente
Communities who are living in the eastern and southern territories are concerned about illegal fishing in their areas.
The Timorese National Police (PNTL) Marine Unit commander, Lino Saldanhal said there was always illegal fishing in the eastern coast such as in Valusere and Jaco Island and in the southern coast. To control these areas PNTL Marine Unit needed proper facilities.
The operation is aimed to capture people that engaged illegal fishing, therefore, PNTL Marine Unit needs proper facilities to protect themselves and to do operations successfully, he said.
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