segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2012

News From the Sea

*Presence of new ship will reduce illegal Fishing: Gusmao
Timor Post, August 27, 2012

Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao said the presence of the new ship would help the country's security institutions to better control the Timor Sea's wealth.

"We have a lot of wealth in the sea, therefore, we should control it and with this new ship we will combat the illegal fishing," he said.

Mr. Gusmao made the comments during an inaugurating ceremony of the new ship
for Timorese National Police (PNTL) at Dili Port.

*PNTL will add UPM members

 Timor Post, August 27, 2012

The Timorese National Police (PNTL) commands have planned to increase the numbers PNTL Marine Unit's members in order to strengthen the security in Timor Sea.

The PNTL Marine Unit had 57 members only and it would not be sufficient to be deployed in seven stations in the territory such as Dili, Atabae, and Com of Lospalos, the Timorese National Police (PNTL) commander, Commissioner Longuinhos Monteiro said.

"PNTL Marine Unit members are not enough to be deployed in seven stations at the Border Areas such as Dili, Atabae, and Com of Lospalos, therefore, PNTL commands will recruit more PNTL Agents that are attending training at PNTL Academy to be assigned for the Marine Unit," he said

Mr. Monteiro made the comments after participating in the Inauguration Ceremony of the new ship for PNTL.

*PNTL calls for maintenance of new ship
Diario Nacional, August 27, 2012

The National Police (PNTL) Commander, Commissioner Longuinhos Monteiro has called on the Government to provide maintenance for the marine police's new ship in the future.

The commander made the comments during a speech marking the inaugurating ceremony of the new ship last Saturday.

Monteiro said if the Government would not allocate budget for the maintenance, the ship would be out of order.

*Marine police should take care of wealth in the sea
Independente August 27, 2012

The Timorese National Police (PNTL) Commander, Superintendent Commissioner of Police Longuinhos Monteiro has called on the Marine police Unit (UPM) to control the wealth in Timor Sea and present its annual to the Government.

Commander Monteiro said UPM should control the wealth in the Timor Sea and should present report to the government.

"We need to know how many type of our wealth in the sea and present them to the government annually," Monteiro said in his speech.

He added currently UPM had proper facility to support them to hold operations in the sea how to identify the underwater wealth.


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