quarta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2012

Council of Ministers Meeting on August 9, 2012

Díli, August 09, 2012

Press Release

The V Constitutional Government met for the first time this Thursday, August 9, 2012 at the Noble Room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Díli, and analyzed:

1. Proposal approving the Organic Law of the V Constitutional Government
On August 8, after being sworn in the members of the V Constitutional Government analyzed this diploma that sets out the structure, competencies and philosophy that will guide the Executive in the next five years.

The political project for this mandate is strategic and builds on the improvements made in the various branches of government.  This includes the promotion of a democratic and transparent culture, and the investment in the productive sectors of the country, which give form and content to the programs established in the Strategic Development Plan to transform and diversify the economy of Timor-Leste.

The new organisational structure establishes a common platform of understanding to do more and do better for the country and responds to our national development needs. The appointment of new Ministers, Vice Ministers and Secretaries of State is crucial to meet the challenges that the country faces and realise the aspirations of the Timorese People.

In light of this, the V Constitutional Government comprises the Prime Minister, the Vice Prime Minister, 15 Ministers, 12 Vice Ministers and 26 Secretaries of State,.  Its composition is as follows:

1. Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão
2. Vice Prime Minister and Coordinator of Social Affairs: Fernando Lassama de Araújo

Secretary of State for the Promotion of Equality: Idelta Maria Rodrigues

Secretary of State of Youth and Sports: Miguel Manetelo

Secretary of State for Professional Training and Employment Policy: Ilídio Ximenes da Costa

3. Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers: Agio Pereira

Secretary of State of the Council of Ministers: Avelino Coelho da Silva

Secretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs: Maria Terezinha Viegas

Secretary of State for Media: Nélio Isaac Sarmento

Secretary of State for Institutional Strengthening: Francisco Soares

Secretary of State for Support and Promotion of the Private Sector: Veneranda Martins

4. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Minister of State and of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Luís Guterres

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation: Constâncio da Conceição Pinto

Secretary of State for ASEAN Affairs: Roberto Soares

5. Ministry of Defence and Security
Minister of Defence and Security

Secretary of State for Defence, Júlio Tomás Pinto

Secretary of State for Security: Francisco Guterres

6. Ministry of Finance

Minister of Finance, Emília Pires

Vice Minister of Finance: Santina Cardoso

7. Ministry of Justice
Minister of Justice: Dionísio Babo Soares

Vice Minister of Justice: Ivo Jorge Valente

Secretary of State for Land and Property: Jaime Xavier Lopes

8. Ministry of Health

Minister of Health: Sérgio Gama Lobo

Vice Minister for Ethics and Service Delivery: Natália Araújo

Vice Minister for Management, Support and Resources: Maria do Céu da Costa

9. Ministry of Education

Minister of Education: Bendito Freitas

Vice Minister of Basic/Primary Education: Dulce de Jesus Soares

Vice Minister of Secondary Education: Virgílio Simith

Vice Minister of Higher Education: Marcal Avelino Ximenes

10.  Ministry of State Administration

Minister of State Administration: Jorge da Conceicao Teme

Secretary of State for Administrative Decentralisation: Tomás Cabral

Secretary of State for Local Development: Samuel Mendonça

11.  Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment

Minister of Commerce, Industry and Environment: António da Conceição

Vice Minister of Commerce, Industry and Environment: Abel da Costa Ximenes

Secretary of State of Commerce: Ricardo Cardoso Nheu

Secretary of State of Industry and Cooperatives: Filipus 'Nino' Pereira

Secretary of State of Environment: Nominando Soares Martins 'Buras'

12.  Ministry of Social Solidarity

Minister of Social Solidarity: Isabel Guterres

Vice Minister of Social Solidarity: Jacinto Rigoberto de Deus

Secretary of State for Social Security: Vítor da Costa

Secretary of State for the Combatants for National Liberation Affairs: Júlio Sarmento da Costa

13.  Ministry of Public Works

Minister of Public Works: Gastão Francisco de Sousa

Secretary of State for Public Works: Luís Vaz Rodrigues

Secretary of State for Electricity: Januário Pereira

Secretary of State for Water, Sanitation and Urban Development: Elias Pereira Moniz

14.  Ministry of Transport and Communications

Minister of Transport and Communications: Pedro Lay

Vice Minister for Transport and Communications: Flávio Cardoso Neves

15.  Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries: Mariano Assanami Sabino

Vice Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries: Marcos da Cruz

Secretary of State for Forestry and Nature Conservation: João Fernandes

Secretary of State for Fisheries: Rafael Pereira Gonçalves

Secretary of State for Livestock: Valentino Varela

16.  Ministry of Tourism

Minister of Tourism: Francisco Kalbuadi Lay

Secretary of State for Art and Culture: Maria Isabel de Jesus Ximenes

17.  Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources

Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources: Alfredo Pires

The V Constitutional Government comprises a total of 55 members.


Source: ETAN

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