Decree-Law approving the Organic Law of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
According to the Organic of the V Constitutional Government, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries is responsible for the design, implementation, coordination and evaluation of the policy, defined and approved by the Council of Ministers, for the areas of agriculture, forestry, livestock and fisheries.
Aiming to give a response to the great options of the policy, established in accordance with the Strategic Development Plan, this diploma reformulates the structure and the due competencies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, giving it the means that allow increasing equity, effectiveness and efficiency of its services, in order to achieve food safety and generate national economic growth.
Tasi Mane Projects
After an analysis of the results of calls for projects related with the South Coast (Tasi Mane), presented to the National Procurement Commission (NPC), the Council of Ministers approved the recommendation of NPC, of awarding the contract for the construction of the Airport of Suai to the firm PT.Washkita Karya.
The Council of Ministers also assessed the result of the pre-qualifying evaluation for the design and construction of the Logistical Support Base of Suai, having approved the application of five companies from the 15 competing for this project. The selected companies were: Essar Projects (India) Ltd, Afcons Infrastructure Ltd., HDEC-HEC-AMCO consortium, BAM International-Van Oord Dredging-Marine Contractor-Wijaya Karya consortium and the Construtora San Jose S.A.-Tecnicas Reunidas S.A. consortium.