sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2013


Timor-Leste needs to establish sea and airports for fishery

      Minister for Agriculture and Fishery (MAFP) Mariano, Asanam Sabino said to support the quantity of infrastructure in the country the Government needed to establish the sea and airports for fishery. "We need quantity of private sector but the infrastructure should support it like sea and airports as we need to export fresh fish to Singapore and Japan", Asanami said. Asanami added that, Timor-Leste needed to establish the sea port and airports to export fresh fish to international markets as Timor-Leste was also rich of fishes in the sea.


Minister Teme visits Oe-cusse Sea Port

      Minister for State Administration and Territorial Management (ESTATAL), Jorge da Concecao Teme has held a visit to Oe-Cusse Sea Port to take a look closer at the construction of the port. According to TVTL [Timorese Public TV) news reporting, the construction of the port has reached 90% and it can be used for two ships at once.The Oe-Cusse Sea Port is financially funded and is constructed by the Government of Japan.


quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2013

      This picture was taken in Manatutu, place where fishing is pretty necessary. At this shoot, the dugout had just arrived from the sea with really little amount of fish. Look to the size of the fishes at the kid's hand and try to see how the fishes are tied. From this, they went to the road side seeking to sell the fresh product.


quarta-feira, 10 de julho de 2013

Sustainable tourism guidebook launched

By: Valere Tjolle

The Guidebook "Sustainable Tourism for Development" has been launched by the UNWTO with the financing of the European Commission Directorate-General Development and Cooperation, as a part of the project "Enhancing capacities for Sustainable Tourism for Development in Developing Countries".

Says the EU "Tourism as an engine for development, trade in services, job creation and poverty reduction." "The Guidebook seeks to enhance the understanding of tourism in all its dimensions and describe how the sector relates to the EU Agenda for Change."

It should enable EU services in Brussels and the EU Delegations in 180 countries, as well as other development institutions, to include sustainable tourism development in their programme cycles. The guidebook will be tested in six developing countries (Botswana, India, Kenya, Vietnam, Senegal and Timor-Leste) and was publicly launched on the 27th of June 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.

The Guidebook takes a comprehensive approach to tourism, covering a wide range of topics relating to its planning, development, management and impact. By working through the whole document, users will be able to identify priorities for intervention across a spectrum of issues.

The Guidebook's aim is to mainstream tourism by:

- Enhancing understanding and commitment to sustainable tourism;

- Providing guidance to assess the tourism sector's importance, identifying opportunities for sustainable tourism development, planning actions, and enhancing sustainability of projects;

- Delivering a "Sustainable Tourism for Development Study" which will enable the EU and other development institutions to include sustainable tourism development in their programme cycles.

Get a copy: HERE

Original Text: Here